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ERA Calculator

ERA Calculator

ERA Calculator

ERA Calculator - Calculate the Earned Run Average of a baseball pitcher with this easy-to-use tool.

What is ERA?

ERA, or Earned Run Average, is a statistic used in baseball to determine the effectiveness of a pitcher. It calculates the average number of earned runs a pitcher allows per nine innings pitched.



Calculation Steps


How to Use the ERA Calculator

To use the ERA Calculator, simply enter the number of earned runs and innings pitched in the provided fields. Click the "Calculate" button to get the ERA result. If you need to start over, click the "Clear" button to reset the fields.

Formula for ERA Calculator

The formula for calculating ERA is: ERA = (Earned Runs / Innings Pitched) * 9


What is an earned run?

An earned run is a run that is scored without the benefit of an error or a passed ball. It is considered a run that is the responsibility of the pitcher.

Why is ERA important?

ERA is important because it helps assess a pitcher's effectiveness. A lower ERA indicates better performance, as it means the pitcher is allowing fewer earned runs per nine innings.

How is ERA different from WHIP?

ERA measures the average number of earned runs allowed per nine innings, while WHIP (Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched) measures how many base runners a pitcher allows per inning. Both stats provide different insights into a pitcher's performance.

What does a good ERA look like?

A good ERA varies depending on the level of play. Generally, an ERA below 3.00 is considered excellent, while an ERA above 4.00 may indicate struggles. Context, such as league averages, is also important.

Can ERA be used to compare pitchers across different eras?

Comparing ERA across different eras can be challenging due to changes in the game, such as ballparks, equipment, and playing conditions. It's best to compare ERA within the same era or adjust for context.


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