Home Calculator HCG Calculator

HCG Calculator

hCG Calculator

What is hCG?

hCG Calculator: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It is essential for maintaining the corpus luteum, which in turn supports the pregnancy in its early stages. hCG is often used in pregnancy tests and fertility treatments, and its levels are monitored to assess pregnancy health.

hCG Level Calculator

How to Use the hCG Calculator

To use the hCG Calculator, enter the first and second hCG levels in mIU/ml, along with the time in days between measurements. Once all fields are filled, click the "Calculate" button. The results will show the difference in levels, percentage change, doubling time, and daily increases.

Formula for the hCG Calculator

Difference: hCG2 - hCG1
Percentage Change: ((hCG2 - hCG1) / hCG1) * 100
Doubling Time (T2): T / log2(hCG2 / hCG1)
One-Day Increase: 100 * (2^(24 / T2) - 1)
Two-Day Increase: 100 * (2^(48 / T2) - 1)

What is a normal hCG level during early pregnancy?

Normal hCG levels can vary widely in early pregnancy. Generally, levels double approximately every 48 to 72 hours in the first few weeks. Typically, hCG levels should be between 5 to 50 mIU/ml for early pregnancy, but this can vary based on individual circumstances.

Can low hCG levels indicate a problem?

Yes, low hCG levels in early pregnancy may indicate potential issues such as an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional if levels are lower than expected or not rising appropriately.

Is it possible to have a positive pregnancy test with low hCG?

Yes, it is possible to have a positive pregnancy test even with low hCG levels. Home pregnancy tests can detect hCG at levels as low as 20 mIU/ml. However, low levels should be monitored to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

How often should hCG levels be checked?

hCG levels are typically checked every few days in early pregnancy, especially if there are concerns. Monitoring helps to ensure that the hormone levels are rising appropriately, indicating a healthy pregnancy progression.

What can cause hCG levels to drop?

Several factors can cause hCG levels to drop, including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or certain medical conditions. A decrease in hCG levels is often a sign that the pregnancy is not progressing as expected and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.