Home Calculator Heat Sink Size Calculator

Heat Sink Size Calculator

Heat Sink Size Calculator

Heat Sink Size Calculator

Heat Sink Size Calculator: Heat Sink Size refers to the physical size or volume of a heat sink required to dissipate a certain amount of heat from an electronic component. Proper sizing of heat sinks ensures that components operate within safe temperature limits, preventing overheating and failure.

Formula for Heat Sink Volume:
V = (Q * Rv) / ΔT

V is the volume of the heat sink in cm³, Q is the heat source power in Watts, Rv is the volumetric thermal resistance in °C/W, and ΔT is the thermal budget (difference between the case temperature and ambient temperature) in °C.

Calculate Heat Sink Size

Heat Source Power (Q) (W)
Tcase Max (°C)
Max Ambient Temperature (°C)
Delta - T (Thermal Budget) (°C)
Volumetric Thermal Resistance (Rv) (°C/W)

Estimated Heat Sink Volume

Estimated Heat Sink Volume (cm³) -

Desired Heat Sink Volume

Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Height (base plus fin) (cm)

Desired Heat Sink Volume

Desired Heat Sink Volume (cm³) -

How to use the Heat Sink Size Calculator

To use the Heat Sink Size Calculator, input the following values: Heat Source Power (W), Tcase Max (°C), Max Ambient Temperature (°C), Delta-T (Thermal Budget, °C), and Volumetric Thermal Resistance (Rv, °C/W). Then click on "Calculate Estimated Heat Sink Volume" to get the estimated size of the heat sink required. You can also calculate the Desired Heat Sink Volume by entering the length, width, and height of the heat sink. Click "Calculate Desired Heat Sink Volume" for the final size. Click "Clear" to reset all fields.

Formula for Heat Sink Volume

The formula used to calculate heat sink volume is: V = (Q * Rv) / ΔT, where V is the heat sink volume in cm³, Q is the heat power in Watts, Rv is the volumetric thermal resistance in °C/W, and ΔT is the thermal budget in °C. This equation gives you the required heat sink size to maintain a safe temperature range for your electronic components.


1. What is a Heat Sink?

A heat sink is a component that helps dissipate heat from an electronic device. It absorbs and spreads heat away from the device, usually by conduction and convection, to maintain a safe operating temperature. Heat sinks are essential in cooling down components like CPUs, GPUs, and LEDs to prevent overheating and failure.

2. How does the Heat Sink Size affect performance?

The size of the heat sink directly affects its ability to dissipate heat. A larger heat sink has a greater surface area, allowing it to dissipate more heat. Proper sizing ensures that the temperature of the electronic component stays within safe limits, improving efficiency and preventing damage.

3. What is the formula for Heat Sink Volume?

The formula to calculate the heat sink volume is: V = (Q * Rv) / ΔT, where V is the heat sink volume in cm³, Q is the heat power in Watts, Rv is the volumetric thermal resistance in °C/W, and ΔT is the thermal budget (Tcase Max - Ambient Temp) in °C. This formula helps estimate the required size of the heat sink based on the power dissipation and thermal properties of the system.

4. How to calculate Desired Heat Sink Volume?

To calculate the Desired Heat Sink Volume, input the dimensions of the heat sink (length, width, and height) in cm. The volume is determined by multiplying these dimensions: Volume = Length × Width × Height. This calculation helps determine the actual physical volume of the heat sink needed to accommodate the component and dissipate the heat effectively.

5. What is the significance of Volumetric Thermal Resistance?

Volumetric thermal resistance (Rv) is a measure of how well a heat sink can dissipate heat. It represents the ability of the heat sink to transfer heat away from a component to the surrounding air. A lower Rv indicates better heat dissipation efficiency, meaning the heat sink can effectively lower the temperature of the component. It's essential to select a heat sink with an appropriate Rv for efficient cooling.