Home Calculator Rainwater Harvesting Calculator

Rainwater Harvesting Calculator

Rainwater Harvesting Calculator

What is Rainwater Harvesting?

Rainwater Harvesting Calculator: Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rainwater for reuse before it reaches the ground. It is a sustainable method to conserve water, reduce flooding, and recharge groundwater. The harvested rainwater can be used for irrigation, toilet flushing, and even drinking water if properly treated.

Rainwater Harvesting Calculator

How to Use the Rainwater Harvesting Calculator

To use the Rainwater Harvesting Calculator, simply fill in the length and width of your roof in feet, along with the annual rainfall in inches. Click the "Calculate" button to see the total gallons of water you can harvest per year. Use the "Clear" button to reset the form for another calculation.

Formula of Rainwater Harvesting Calculator

The formula to calculate the harvested rainwater is: RWH = L * W * ARF / 12 * 7.48052


  • RWH = Rainfall harvested (gallons)
  • L = Length of the roof (feet)
  • W = Width of the roof (feet)
  • ARF = Annual rainfall in that area (inches)

1. What is rainwater harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting involves capturing and storing rainwater for various uses, including irrigation and drinking water. This method helps conserve water and reduce dependence on municipal sources.

2. Why should I harvest rainwater?

Harvesting rainwater can reduce water bills, minimize flooding, and provide a sustainable water source during droughts. It also helps recharge groundwater levels and supports environmental sustainability.

3. How do I maintain a rainwater harvesting system?

Regular maintenance includes cleaning gutters, inspecting tanks, and ensuring filters are working properly. It's essential to check for leaks and ensure that the system complies with local regulations.

4. Is harvested rainwater safe to drink?

Harvested rainwater can be safe to drink if properly treated. This often involves filtration and disinfection to remove contaminants. Always check local guidelines for potable use.

5. Can I use rainwater for irrigation?

Yes, rainwater is excellent for irrigation, providing a free and natural source of water for gardens and lawns. It is especially beneficial for plants, as it is free from chemicals found in treated water.